
What is a Prezi??? Prezi is a tool found at where you can make a canvas instead of slides to deliver a presentation.?? In particular, this is extremely useful in discussing visual art.?? When you visit the prezentation 🙂 at you'll discover that it allows me to go from station to station asking questions connected to Critical Response Method (MPS, 2009).?? Critical Response is intended for people to familiarize themselves with an artist or a work of art.?? Here, students use 5 questions to connect the painting Juanito en la laguna by Antonio Berni back to a main theme of environment and progress.?? The five questions used each time to discover the visual art include:

  • What do you see?
  • What does it remind you of?
  • What emotions do you feel?
  • What questions do you have?
  • What does the work mean to you?

These questions are ideal for helping language teachers use L2 as a vehicle to teach content like such topics.?? The credit goes to Ryan McCallum for sharing Prezi at a Web 2.0 session at the Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools technology day in October of 2009.?? You can find a plethora of resources that Ryan uses and coaches at Buffalo High School at his site located at Thanks, Ryan!

Minneapolis Public Schools 2009, Online Professional Development. (n.d.).?? Critical Response?? Retrieved
?????????????????????????????? November 25, 2009, from


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4 responses to “Prezi

  1. Michelle Heidt

    I like the idea of using a tool besides PowerPoint for lecture! I could see myself using Prezi in a FACS classroom when discussing the importance of food presentation. This could be for a basic foods lab or a more advanced class such as a gourmet cooking class. It gets the students more involved in the discussion rather than just clicking through PowerPoint slides. Prezi would provide the visuals needed in a discussion about food presentation. Great idea!

  2. Ashley Davis

    Michelle (previous post) and I are actually working on creating a Prezi assignment together! We thought it would be a useful way to demonstrate appealing food presentation to our students in a FACS foods classroom. This too is great because it might help to keep students more engaged then by watching yet another power point slide show. I hope I can master the art of Prezi and use it a lot in my future classrooms. Have you had good student feedback on it?

  3. Daryl

    Yes, students have provided positive feedback on it. Frankly, I think it’s because it’s something other than a .ppt slide show. Good luck!

  4. Karina Chavez

    I would be able to use prezil in my class when I present a timeline of the most important dates of a topic. With this tool, I can add images, videos, and text and present it to my class as a regular presentation. Prezil allows me to zoom in when I want my students to understand certain topics more closely and it allows me to zoom out when I want my students to see the whole picture.

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